Boost Your Instagram Account Organically

Finding ways to boost your Instagram account organically? In this article, we have simplified the ways on how to grow your Instagram followers organically. Now, some may argue that the fastest and easiest way would be buying them out. While this can be the solution for some, there are also consequences in going this route. For one, initially having tons of followers and then spiraling down once the campaign is over would give the impression that the account is fake. You don’t want that, do you? 

So we have tried and tested tricks that you can use in order to grow them organically and not risk the chance of losing your existing followers. Always remember that your feed is the best impression of you. 

Tip #1: Optimize your Instagram name for SEO

For starters, let me explain what SEO means. It simply means Search Engine Optimization. Think of this like Google, we use keywords to search for businesses, topics, people, places, etc. Once we have punched in the keyword, a bunch of lists appears on our screen. Now, imagine tweaking your name and adding your niche. Let’s say my old Instagram name is Sharon. People who don’t know me won’t be able to search for me. But by simply adding your niche to your name, this will make you searchable.

Tip #2: Writing Captions that convert

Images allow engagement especially if the photo is eye-catching however, a caption is what sparks engagement to your audience. You can cultivate your followers through deep captions and this will let people know you, like you, and trust your business. Always pay attention to what you put out there because first impressions always last. 

Here is an example of how a caption can provide useful information, like tips, techniques, and advice related to your product or niche. You can always share something valuable with your audience through Instagram captions.

Tip #3: Maximizing the size of your hashtags 

This trick might raise some eyebrows so hear me out first. Maximizing the size of your hashtags will allow people to find you so you can, in turn, increase your reach. Large hashtags are most commonly used by people on Instagram, your chances in getting into their feed would be slim. By creating a list of small, medium, and large hashtags, you have a better chance of being found when people search for that tag.  Also, tailor-fit your tags to your business. 

Look at how Shopify uses hashtags to organize and categorize the content. They consciously allow the platform to offer the right content to its audience.

Tip #4: Rotate your hashtags

Rotating your hashtags will be the most important trick you need to learn. Avoid using the same ones over and over as Instagram might flag it as spam. Make a conscious effort to rotate them and switch them up. Make a rundown and group them into small, medium, and large ones. Put them in your caption so you can avoid using the same tags over again. 

Tip #5: Communicate for engagement

This last trick can be exhausting and time-consuming but believe me when I say, it’s all worth it. You can follow hashtags that are related to your business so connecting with people within your reach will be as easy as pie. This tip brings the energy back to people by means of interacting with them. Engaging with your audience will help you increase your reach and give an opportunity for people to find and follow you.

Instagram gives you suggested pages to follow according to your niche. Start engaging with your new potential customers—follow them and like or comment on one of their photos.

Now that you know how easy it is to boost your Instagram organically, go ahead and start out with your account. This requires a lot of patience on your part as this will take time. Don’t worry, you will achieve it in no time. Doing it religiously is the key. 

Ready to take your Instagram account to the next level?  Work with the experts at Social Sensei to help pair your business with the right growth plan to help you gain real Instagram followers, increase brand exposure, and boost your credibility.  Dial 888-444-9144 to talk to one of our experts today or click here to schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation with us.


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